LIVE-music - "Beppos Dance Band" - Impression #1 | © "Beppos Dance Band"

LIVE-music - "Beppos Dance Band"

Schafalm Planai

LIVE entertainment music with “Beppos Dance Band

Their genuine style and musical skills never fail to delight!

Our atmospheric music groups ensure a good mood and real listening pleasure, accompanied by regional delicacies and freshly tapped Schladminger beer.

Schafalm Planai
Planaistraße 104
8970 Schladming
+43 3687 24600

Schafalm Planai
Planaistraße 104
8970 Schladming
+43 3687 24600

Środa 07.08.2024 od 12:00 do 15:00 Uhr

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